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Sunday 1 May 2016

The Death Cure

By James Dashner

[The trials are over. WICKED
is planning to restore the
survivors' memories and
complete the final cure for
the Flare.

But Thomas has already
remembered more than
they think. And he knows
WICKED can't be trusted.

The time for lies is over. But
the truth is more dangerous
than Thomas could ever
imagine. Will anyone survive
the Death Cure?]

I'm not really too sure of where to start for this review. I was so eager to find out how this series was going to end but then I kept putting it down being too scared to actually find out what happens. I often find the endings to epic trilogies a bit of a let down and this was somewhat similar - although the epilogue was that last glimpse of a twist!

The plot was obviously different from the last two and I'm not sure I liked it as much because of this. I preferred the Glader's constant battle for escaping the trials and with this one not being a trial per se, it just wasn't as dramatic. Yes, there were bits when they had to escape but it just wasn't the same. It didn't pack as much tension into it.

However, there were two main deaths in it, one that I saw coming and the other that I didn't (even though I really should have). The latter one crushed me. His spiral down and out of control was tragic and I can't believe the way in which he actually died - it was heartbreaking. I kept thinking he would just turn up at the end and he didn't. The other death was sad but because of the way things went with Thomas and this character I didn't feel nearly as sad as I might have done if they'd have died in the first one.

I still loved Minho in this one, you really get to see the bond between himself, Thomas and Newt which is nice. It is quite interesting that my opinion of characters changes with how Thomas feels about them though. I also enjoyed the return of an old nemesis!

It was great to go back to the Maze briefly and see those nasty Grievers once more. I think the world Dashner creates is magnificent. Everything crumbling down with the slow demise of the human race - he nails every detail.

Like I said though, the ending was a slight disappointment. It was a good battle and the imagery was epic but I was just left with a bit of a meh feeling. But then came the epilogue in which Chancellor Paige makes her entry (not physical entry however, we never actually see her) and we are left with the feeling that the Immunes are never really out of the game, they will always be WICKED's candidates - something only one of them will know for the rest of their lives...

I'm definitely interested in seeing this final film. I know the Scorch Trials film wasn't anything like the book so I wonder what they'll do for the last one!

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