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Wednesday 18 May 2016

Girl Crush: Carrie Bradshaw

I was late to the Sex and the City party. As in the only reason I actually came across it was because all of my family were out one night (same old homebody, aren't I?) and I was bored of watching Friends reruns. No good films were on either, I believe. But I came across a couple of episodes of Sex and the City and thought why the hell not?

I'd heard good things about it. Very good things. But I didn't know how much I would actually enjoy it. Yes, the show was a little dated but some of the fashion items, New York city in all her glory and each career of the four girls was enough for me, something to envy and look up to even. 

And so my girl crush on Miss Bradshaw commenced.

The strong female leads were definitely something that drew me in, with each of them teaching me many lessons about life, relationships, careers and whatnot, especially that you can be your own woman without a man to make you happy (although it is pretty good to have one too).

Anyways, moving on.

I can't remember a specific time of wanting to be a writer, but it has always been there in the background, amongst the fleeting careers idea of wanting to be an artist, a photographer and even a tattooist at one point (crazy I know, but I was heavily influenced by the likes of America's Next Top Model and Miami Ink during my teen years!)

Writing gives me freedom, escapism, life. I absolutely adore it. And so whenever I see a protagonist that is a writer, I instantly click with them, wanting to be them, looking for hints in any way shape or form to get to where I want to be.

So - for me - this makes Carrie's life perfect. I aspire to have one like hers. I want to write books, to be published, to have a meaning in somebody's life, to have my own place where I can escape to and write to my hearts content, hell I'd even try writing a column if the opportunity came my way. 

The only thing is, blog posts are the only writing I've been doing of late. My novel's first draft is done but it needs a lot of editing and I. just. keep. putting. it. off. I get so annoyed at myself because I can be on the train, listening to my Pirates of the Caribbean score and ideas just swim into my head and I scramble to add them into the notes on my phone.

But they stay there, awaiting to be written up.

So, excuse me whilst I go and browse Amazon for a boxset of Sex and the City and avoiding my editing plans once more...

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