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Thursday 22 December 2016

The Girl on the Train

Image from Pinterest
So, I really need to start packing, I've got a couple of items left in the fridge that need to be eaten and a few more things on the planner that needs watching.

Oh the woes of going home for Christmas.

Just kidding. Can't wait to be honest.

I watched this ages ago. Clearly, as it was out in October. Whoops.

I know I watched it literally a week or two after I'd listened to the audiobook.

Honestly, I was a little let down by the book. I felt everyone had hyped it up too much and it didn't live up to said hype.

But the film, the film did a cracking job of following the plot line of the book (bar one or two things).

The characters were on point. 

I almost loathed Rachel in the book but Emily Blunt played her so well. She was even gorgeous when she was meant to be a stinking hungover mess.

I hated Rebecca Ferguson's Anna and Justin Theroux's Tom as well, which is exactly how I felt about them in the book. Anna was so stuck up and paranoid, Tom an evil prick.

Funnily enough, again, I felt like I could empathise more with Megan. Haley Bennet did a great job of portraying her. She certainly doesn't have a nice or easy backstory, or, indeed, a nice story altogether.

To be honest, the only character I wasn't completely sold on was Luke Evans's Scott. I don't know what it was but I just couldn't connect with the character. In the book he has quite a mean side but could make you feel sorry for him too. I didn't feel any of that whilst watching Luke Evans portrayal. A shame really because I think he's great as an actor.

The setting - obvious no no as it was changed from London - was actually alright set in New York. I still got the same feeling as before - the long commute, rural villages on the outskirts of a big city, blah blah blah.

There were also a few minor changes in Rachel and Scott's interactions but I didn't think anything of these really.

The cinematography was beautiful, the sudden cuts to close-ups magnifying and lovely.

Overall, I think the directors and producers and cast did a fantastic job.

Even though I knew the ending it still had me sat on the edge of my seat waiting for it.

Worth a watch if you're up for a murder mystery riddled with twists and turns, but not one I feel I would need to watch again.



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