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Wednesday 3 February 2016

How I Fit In My Five-A-Day

Most days anyway...

I always used to think for some reason that five fruit and veg a day meant eating five pieces of fruit and five types of veg a day. I mean what nutter could actually do that? Needless to say, I was relieved when I found out it's actually five altogether. Whoops.

Oddly enough though, since I've begun working a 9-5 day I actually find it easier to eat healthier. Strange, huh?

My mum always told me that she struggled at work with eating too many sugary snacks just because "they're there" or "easier to buy" and whatnot.

Okay, so initially when I started work experience in the summer I was eating biscuits and crisps with a sandwich or roll of some sort. But, seeing others at work constantly eating healthy must've clicked something in me. Plus, I work right opposite Borough Market which is a hugeeeeeeee temptation.

But now, during my weekly shop or at weekends I stock up on fresh fruit and veg - which is super cheap(?!). I tend to chop and freeze down the veg to make it easier to cook up quickly and it also lasts way longer. I also cook in batches so I can just reheat everything!

With fruit I grab 2-3 pieces to put with my lunch. If I get hungry throughout my work day I tell myself to eat these first and then I can eat my cereal bar or get a sweet treat (gotta give yourself a reward for all that good eating, right?)

It helps, as well, that my work place offer free fruit in the canteen every day too!

I'm not one for believing in cutting out a whole food group from your diet. If I were to cut out sugar altogether I would just crave it more, whereas if I allow myself a little a day it keeps the cravings at bay - most of the time.

Simple :)

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