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Monday 17 April 2017

St. Brelade, Jersey

I love bank holiday weekends but they always throw me off, hence the lack of post last night...

I've literally been so busy of late that my posts are half-assed anyway which is why I tend to just post reviews.

But, I did promise more on our time in Jersey and when better to sit down and write a proper post than on a bank holiday Monday?

We'd agreed that this time round we would get up early every day so we could fit as much in as possible (when we went to Oxford it kind of all went pear-shaped cause we overslept! Which also has to do with my weird thing where I cannot for the life of me sleep in a hotel. Strange, but I managed in this one!!).

So we started our day off nice and early, down for the breakfast and then out of the hotel between 10 and 11.

Before heading for St. Brelade, we quickly ran across the road to look at the beach again - we fell in love with it.

After taking a few - hundred - snaps, we took the car and made our way to St. Brelade Bay. It was absolutely stunning. The sun was out and I don't think I've ever seen the sea that blue before. Because it was early March as well it was so quiet and peaceful.

We wandered along the beach drinking in as much of the view as possible stopping in a tourist shop to by some fudge (they are very proud of their Jersey cows so really advertise it in all possible products!)

Next we drove to a golf country club (unbeknownst to us at the time - I just thought it was a regular golf place) in which we went on the driving range (I was so so awful) before having lunch at Rocco's.

Adeel took every opportunity to have steak as possible it seemed, but I stuck with a ham and cheese toasty as we had plans for a date night dinner that evening.

Another thing we also noted on was how nice everyone was. Nobody was in any hurry to get anywhere. The fastest speed you could go was 40mph, and everyone was just so polite and conversational - it was wonderful.

I think we had a short break at the hotel after that - somewhat of a siesta if you like - before heading to an arcade. We literally played air hockey and a shooting game, Adeel won a stuffed toy on a claw machine and we left.

We had a bit of down time before getting ready for dinner. We'd asked the receptionist at the time for a recommendation and she kindly booked us a reservation with her friend's restaurant The Paper Fig.

Now, I haven't put any photos in of the restaurant or food because I want to write a full post on it. It was just perfect. And that's all I'm saying about it in this post!

After we returned from our heavenly culinary experience we dipped into the pool once more before hitting the sheets...


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