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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Here's To The Future

Once I make resolutions at the beginning of the year I tend to forget all about them. It's only now - that I wrote them on my blog last year - that I can look back on them and see what I have achieved subconsciously.

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2015 Resolutions
+1 year later

Number 1. I would like to increase my blog posts per week, or at least keep to the once a week I had originally planned. Whether this will happen or not until the final term of university is out of the way I don't know. I would also like to link my posts with my social media accounts, make the layout more professional and interact more with other bloggers.
1 year later. I guess I got it mostly right in the fact that my posting didn't really take off again until after uni finished. I'm managing to stick to at least once a week, sometimes twice. I decided earlier on that I wouldn't link all my accounts in the end purely because I'm not that fussed about generating page views! I did change my layout (was actually linked with a project at uni!), but I haven't interacted really, with any bloggers. Something to improve upon.

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Number 2. To finish editing the rest of my novel and hopefully find an agent/publisher by the end of the year. This may be a tad bit ambitious, but I love writing it!
1 year later. I hate to say it, but I barely edited anything this year. I'm so disappointed in myself. So I definitely haven't found a publisher or agent, although I work for a publishing company now! I just seemed to have lost all my flow with it and keep doing anything and everything to put it off. Will need to find some new motivation.

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Number 3. To continue learning Spanish on duolingo. I used to hate learning languages in school, but this app is a Godsend, it's amazing and I've really learnt a lot.
1 year later. I am still learning and have, in fact, increased my daily routine - yay!

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Number 4. I am adamant to go abroad this year, whether it be to Dubai to see my step-dad (and hopefully the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix if I'm lucky!) or to Paris to celebrate my upcoming 21st in March!
1 year later. I managed to achieve all three and am so happy that I did. Paris was the first time without any adults at all (although I am an adult now, still doesn't count, aha) so it was a bit of a hit and miss, but it was a stepping stone nevertheless. Dubai, on the other hand, was really what I needed to relax otherwise I may have exploded given the house I live in currently.

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Number 5. Number 4 would also cover the basis that I would like to overcome my fear of flying once and for all. In fact, I would like to keep getting better at facing any of my fears. 2014 was a huge step in conquering one of my main phobias and I hope to keep improving in 2015.
1 year later. I thought this would be impossible when I wrote it but after being on two seven hour flights, I can happily say I no longer have a fear of flying. The phobia is also getting better to handle, so let's hope 2016 is even better.

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Number 6. I would like to enjoy the rest of my time at university as it's my final couple of months and I would love to get a first in my degree! (That may be a bit ambitious).
1 year later. Unfortunately, I don't think I did enjoy my last few months at uni, purely because I was so stressed out with getting it all done and having two shows to help with that I really didn't want to do. It's a shame because my love for photography has been ruined by studying it for five years. Hopefully, having a blog and my own time now to do what I like will help me back into the rhythm of it again. Also, I got a 2:1, but I'm still very happy with that!

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Number 7. To be more grateful for everything I have/to stop taking things for granted/to sit back and appreciate small moments in my life that are making me happy. I don't do this often enough and I really need to, it would probably make me relax a bit more!
1 year later. I genuinely think I have started to do this a bit more.

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Number 8. I've seen this one a lot on other peoples blogs, but I couldn't agree more with it: to say yes more. I need to stop worrying about what could go wrong and just enjoy everything!
1 year later. I think I'm about halfway there, I'm saying yes more, just not all the time!

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Number 9. To stop complaining about everything. Even if I could improve on this a little bit I'm sure I would be a lot happier! Which also goes with: to stop living in the past. I am terrible at this. I have recently been thinking of the future though and I am so excited and love planning for it.
1 year later. This is one I have definitely improved on, even my boyfriend has noticed which is good. No more Miss Grumpy-pants! Well, not all of the time anyway...

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Number 10. To get back into exercising, even if it is just once or twice a week. I don't even want to lose weight, I just want to tone up and work on my abs! This also goes hand in hand with continuing to eat healthier. I definitely improved last year (although not necessarily decreasing the amount of chocolate I ate) and felt a big difference.
1 year later. This one is definitely a bit hit and miss. I start up randomly and then a few weeks later I will stop again. But it's definitely come to a standstill since I got a full-time job. This is something I need to get a better hold of in the future, a balance between having a job and time for me. Eating healthier, though, is on the up with 2/3 pieces of fruit a day and lots of veggies with dinner most nights!

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I also did manage to do the Jar Project - filling it with pieces of coloured, torn paper after having written good memories on them that happened throughout the year. I think next year I will do it again but more similar to the #100HappyDaysChallenge I took part in, for a univeristy project, where I have to think of what made me happy each day, even if it's something as simple as having pancakes for breakfast! Except I will do this every day for the entire year - 366HappyDaysChallenge!

Thanks for reading this year, I hope to bring you a more regular amount of content in the next one -- Happy New Year!

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