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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

After only watching the first six instalments a few weeks ago, I thought I shouldn't leave it so long until I see this one.

Image from Pinterest
I thought it got off to a bit of a slow start, which I suppose is fair enough when they're introducing the new characters, but still. It didn't really get going for me until Rey and Finn met up and then it got good. Really good.

I enjoyed Han Solo's obvious sarcastic distaste towards Rey and Finn, especially when Rey joins him as co-pilot. It was nice that, although the story includes the original characters, it didn't revolve around them. I equally liked Rey and Finn as new characters and more so that they are just friends - it's too common for everything to blossom into a romance these days. Although there is still the chance of that happening in one of the next two instalments.

Image from Pinterest
I didn't like, however, Kylo Ren. I'm not sure what it was, whether it be the actor or the character, but I definitely thought they were trying too hard to make him look and act like Anakin.

I also didn't like that obvious scene with him and his father (you'll know the one if you've seen it). If he were really torn between the light and dark sides, he really couldn't have done what he did. Just saying.

Wasn't a fan of the final scene either. Too extended and dramatic for no apparent reason. Beautiful location though.

Overall, much better than the "prequels" and on a parallel to the originals. Loved it.



Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

It's been a long time coming - but I have finally seen the final Hunger Games. Hurrah!

Spoilers ahead (if you haven't seen it yet!)
Personally, from start to finish, I was trying to work out what was coming next in each scene because of having read the trilogy last year. I can't decide whether this was annoying or not, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it nevertheless.

It surpassed all of my expectations, nailing every scene - the loss's, the war, the down moments for characters to reflect or grow. It was brilliant. I think Jennifer Lawrence is a wonderful actress, she really gets stuck into each and every role she plays, portraying a whole array of emotions perfectly. There wouldn't be anyone else to play Katniss Everdeen so well.

Johanna and Finnick continued to amuse throughout, relieving some of the building tension. I also thought Peeta's constant struggle against himself was extraordinary. I really felt for him. I wasn't so convinced by the harsh goodbye between Katniss and Gale though - if he'd been her best friend throughout, could you be so cold in the goodbye?

I think parts of the film were definitely predictable, even for those who hadn't read it (scene below for sure), although I still think it was great. The scene below was so tense, you knew she wasn't going to kill Snow, but a part of me almost thought she would. I also had hoped (a lot) that the director wouldn't want to kill off Finnick, but my hopes were dashed as soon as I saw the scene unfold. Heartbreaking - it's always the characters that have just achieved their "happy ending" that get killed. Boo.

Image from Pinterest
The most emotional scene - for me - was when she returns home and sees Prim's cat in the kitchen. I felt torn - grief for Katniss's loss, but also worry for the poor cat getting struck repeatedly by all those flying objects Katniss was throwing! I'm so glad she picked it up and made a fuss of it, it was such a beautiful scene.

My possible only issue with the film was the ending. As with the novel, I don't think the final scene was necessarily needed. It was only okay. It was nice though to see Peeta and Katniss's life after, but kind of an anti-climax after all of the action.



Sunday, 21 February 2016


Image from Pinterest
I've been so indecisive about this film - one minute I'm not interested at all, the next I am because I found out it was Ryan Reynolds playing the lead, and then I wasn't again because I didn't think it would be funny, and so on.

But, then I saw the trailer and I knew I wanted to see it for definite.

Again, though, sat in the cinema, snacks at the ready, right at the beginning of the film, I wasn't sure if it would actually be any good. I'm never sure about films where the character talks into the camera - it just doesn't work for me. But Ryan Reynolds nails it. I love the type of role he always seems to play - the sarcastic, good looking but hard done by guy.

And I also think it was great that the love interest wasn't some perfect, quirky girl that needed saving constantly. Okay so she needed saving at the end, but still. Oddly enough she reminded me of Jean in X-Men because she looks a lot like her (to me anyway) - before all the red hair and evilness.

Image from Pinterest
As the storyline developed I definitely enjoyed it more. I even enjoyed the way he constantly took the piss out of X-Men, the basic superhero film cast line-up (you'll know what I mean if you pay attention to the opening credits) and, even, himself. The music was great throughout and there was a great balance between comedy and drama/action.

It was brilliant.

The only thing I'm unsure about is that I'm slightly confused as to where this storyline falls in the X-Men franchise. Evidently, as he featured in Wolverine it has to be either before it or alongside it. Plus, if he dies at the end of Wolverine how will there be sequels to Deadpool - which they hinted at? Or did he not die at all?

I love the whole X-Men series so maybe I just need to watch them all again to figure out how it all fits together!



Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What Now?

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I went to see Kevin Hart at the O2 (I got him the tickets for Christmas because he goes on about how good he is a lot!)

I was still yet to have seen any of his comedy or films, so I thought this would be a good way to ease me in, via a format I hadn't witnessed before

I honestly didn't know what to expect, but it was a lot better and funnier than I thought it would be. We even got introduced to a handful of other comedians.

The show itself was about an hour and a half with maybe another half an hour to an hour on top for the support acts, but it definitely flew by.

The seats weren't bad and it was certainly nice and toasty in the arena compared to the icy chill outside! The security were very strict on mobile phone usage as it was all new content that he didn't want broadcast - which is understandable but, by the last count, as many as fifty people were kicked out for just having their phones visibly on show!

Although he did allow photos right at the end so he could take the selfie above with the crowd!

I turned to Adeel at some point during the evening and said to him in awe: "Can you imagine what it feels like to perform and make a room full of thousands of people laugh?" It's insane.

If you haven't seen any comedy shows, I would highly recommend Kevin Hart - although he didn't do many nights in London, he did do a few other shows around the country - because he really does has something for everyone.

Pure brilliance, spot on entertainment and a great evening out

Sunday, 14 February 2016

"Falling In Love Is The Easy Part"

I came across this video (below) the other day and it really struck something in me (from about 9:30 onwards, although the entire video is definitely worth a watch). In a way, Mandy Len Catron has reassured me that a relationship isn't always meant to be excitement and joy, it's a lot of work, and she even went so far as to say love is a choice.

I've been in a relationship now for just over three years. We broke up after one year and 11 months because neither of us knew how to deal with our problems - this is my first relationship ever and he hasn't been in any other long-term ones - so we broke it off, thinking it would be best for us to just stay friends.

It wasn't.

I was hurting. He was hurting. I joined Tinder on New Years Eve of that year after my best friend and her sister were swiping away, encouraging me to join in. I flirted a bit with some genuinely nice people, and then there were some particularly crude guys that I chose to ignore. With this, I continued to see my ex (at the time) as well. 

He went on a date, which hurt me more. And we both just ended up more confused and hurt than ever with our complicated situation. We both seemed to be trying to move on, but with each other still in our lives - not wanting to let go completely.

Three and a half months later, we decided to get back together, coming to an agreement that we needed to communicate more and try harder with each other. This led to us being happier than ever and, now, just over another year later we are still going strong.

That's not to say that we don't still have some tough times, obstacles that need to be overcome in order for us to progress - but we are much better than the first time around. We are in a much happier place now and I think that is what Mandy was getting at. 

"Falling in love is not the same thing as staying in love."

Love is a choice because any one of us could choose to take the easy way out and end a relationship for another seemingly simpler one, or because it doesn't have the same spark it once did. But, choosing to continue and work through all of your hard problems, resisting temptation, is what I believe is the best thing. It's difficult and you can sometimes want to end it, but choosing to stay with that person through thick and thin is what life is all about. You want someone to support you through everything, and you them.

It's scary to think that either one of you could fall out of love with one another or in love with someone else. But is it that truly love or is something lacking in your current relationship that only needs a little bit of work? Throwing something great away for a spur-of-the-moment feeling could be a waste of your time when the relationship you're already in could just need a little bit of TLC.

Doubt is the hardest thing to battle with, especially when both you and your partner have to deal with it. But, I would rather have a relationship with someone who is my best friend, someone who knows me inside and out and loves me, even with all of my flaws - and his - than to give it up for something that could just end up being a fling or because my brain is all over the place, not knowing what to do, or how to cope with either of our doubts. 

He may frustrate me, or me him (definitely), but I know I will always be there for him, and him me because time and time again we choose to work through our problems and to be with one another through it all.

"Love didn't happen to us. We're in love because we each made the choice to be."

So, Happy Valentine's day, I hope you spend it with someone who means the world to you - whether that be an other half, family or friends.

Treasure them. Appreciate them. Love them unconditionally.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Do You Ever Feel Not Good Enough?

Don't get me wrong, I love both of my parents to pieces but I often feel that my efforts or achievements go unnoticed or get brushed aside, like I could have done better.

I've recently been made permanent in my job (previously being on a short-term contract) and, obviously, I let both of my parents know almost straight away. After initial happiness, my dad asked me if I got a raise (something he keeps pestering me about), which makes me infuriated because I've only been there officially since October - having done a bout of work experience and an internship on and off since June. I'm happy with what I'm being paid, especially considering I only graduated in November! Plus, it's not exactly like it's a bad amount, it's great!

And then there's my mum. Every time I say I've taken a day off work or cancelled plans because of feeling unwell, she'll make me feel really guilty and worried, putting thoughts in my head that the company will let me go or that my friends may give up trying to get together. It makes me feel way worse than I already did! I mean I started off in waitressing, where they made me feel guilty for being ill - it's like the top guys didn't ever get sick or they would have expected you to work through it. So, you know, I already feel incredibly guilty before my mum even says anything. I've taken to not even telling her now because I know what she'll say.

And I'm not even going to say what comments they've made about my relationship or my anxiety. I just can't believe some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths, it makes me feel like I can't even talk to them sometimes. And it doesn't help that one of them lives halfway across the world and the other isn't very talkative on the phone!

/Rant over.

I know this is a very moany post and I do want to reiterate that I love them both so much and I appreciate everything they've ever done for me, I just had to get this off my chest - it's been bothering me for a long while.

Anywayssss, I'm happy with my job, my pay, my relationship, the amount of sick days I've actually taken compared to my attendance at uni last year and how I keep improving my control over my anxiety.

And that's all that matters, right?!

Sunday, 7 February 2016

How Many Is Too Many?

When I was in college I would read 4 or 5 books, on the go, at one time. All different genres. All different lengths. Sooo many different characters to remember.

I don't know how I managed it.

I can barely keep one going by itself at the moment, let alone alternate between a handful. I used to read a chapter per evening, switching up the books - or, if I was more excited by one in particular, I would read more of that one and then pick up a different one a few nights later.

Now though, I barely find time to read. I've gotten into a habit - a good or bad one I don't know - of reading on my lunch break - at my desk - as well as most nights before bed. It's a good way for me to relax and get away from the screen. Although I'm not entirely sure it gives my eyes any more of a break.

I'm reading 2 completely different books at the moment - Jurassic Park and The Complete Illustrated Works of the Brothers Grimm. I try to read the Grimm fairytales before I go to bed as they tend to be short and to the point, whereas Jurassic Park sometimes goes into depth within science or mathematics and it's hard to follow at times. Especially when I'm tired. 

Although this hasn't gone completely to plan as I find Jurassic Park way more captivating and I find myself picking that up instead of the Brothers Grimm (I've been reading the fairytales on and off for about a year now, there are so many!!)

I've recently joined goodreads in an attempt to spur me on to read more this year. I've set my goal as 30 - which is quite low compared to some - but I think this might be manageable for me. I've got a tonne of books lined up and goodreads really helps to find more new books as well as being able to give reviews, ratings and suggestions.

How many books do you read in one go? Do you believe there is any benefit from reading more than one at a time?

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

How I Fit In My Five-A-Day

Most days anyway...

I always used to think for some reason that five fruit and veg a day meant eating five pieces of fruit and five types of veg a day. I mean what nutter could actually do that? Needless to say, I was relieved when I found out it's actually five altogether. Whoops.

Oddly enough though, since I've begun working a 9-5 day I actually find it easier to eat healthier. Strange, huh?

My mum always told me that she struggled at work with eating too many sugary snacks just because "they're there" or "easier to buy" and whatnot.

Okay, so initially when I started work experience in the summer I was eating biscuits and crisps with a sandwich or roll of some sort. But, seeing others at work constantly eating healthy must've clicked something in me. Plus, I work right opposite Borough Market which is a hugeeeeeeee temptation.

But now, during my weekly shop or at weekends I stock up on fresh fruit and veg - which is super cheap(?!). I tend to chop and freeze down the veg to make it easier to cook up quickly and it also lasts way longer. I also cook in batches so I can just reheat everything!

With fruit I grab 2-3 pieces to put with my lunch. If I get hungry throughout my work day I tell myself to eat these first and then I can eat my cereal bar or get a sweet treat (gotta give yourself a reward for all that good eating, right?)

It helps, as well, that my work place offer free fruit in the canteen every day too!

I'm not one for believing in cutting out a whole food group from your diet. If I were to cut out sugar altogether I would just crave it more, whereas if I allow myself a little a day it keeps the cravings at bay - most of the time.

Simple :)