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Wednesday 2 March 2016

What I'm Loving Right Now

As I'm writing this, I'm sat here with a mountain of scrunched up tissues, sniffling away with a red-raw nose. You gotta love having the flu, right?

So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a little pick-me-up in the form of What I'm Loving Right Now.

1) Converse - my sister bought me this glowing pair for Christmas (they're almost as white as my pale, pale legs... I joke, sort of...). Because they're white I've been putting off wearing them for fear of getting them dirty. I know they're going to get dirty eventually but with it still being winter with rain and squelchy mud everywhere I'd rather not take the chance. But I did wear them for the first time a few days ago, and I love them.

2) Pretty Little Liars - my new obsession. I've been meaning to start something new for ages and just couldn't decide, so settled for One Tree Hill, again. PLL was recommended to me ages ago by a close friend and I'm happy to say I have finally started it! Well, when I say started I mean I'm already 17 episodes in. In four days... Whoops. To be fair, I have been pretty much bed-bound since Saturday. Thank God for Netflix, ey?

3) Goodreads Challenge - after setting myself the challenge to read 30 books this year, I've definitely been pushing myself to read a bit more in my spare time. Yanno, when I get a spare second from trying to figure out who A is (God damn Pretty Little Liars). It's going well though with me just finishing my third book so far. Currently reading The Lost World, review on Jurassic Park to come soon!

4) March - with the arrival of a new month, many good things are on the horizon. I turn 22 in 2 weeks, Adeel turns 22 a few more weeks after me, we have a few days out and weekends away planned and Spring is on its way with lighter evenings and more sunshine! The sunsets from the office are absolutely stunning at the moment. I have to refrain from taking a snap every time.

5) Work - who would have thought I'd be one of those people to enjoy a nine-to-five office job? But I do, I really really do. It's probably because of what I do though. I can't see myself being so in love with any other office job if it wasn't for the fact that it's in publishing.

6) Donating to charity/having a clear out - although I've read that you're supposed to go through with a clear out all in one go; I've found myself doing it slowly, parting with my items a few at a time to ease the adjustment. The fact that I'm donating them to charity feels pretty great too. I realise I moan about not having enough clothes a lot, when I should be thankful that I have those clothes at all. I'm also thinking about donating my textbooks from Uni, I just don't know who/where would take them.

7) Creativity - now that Celebrity Big Brother isn't occupying all of my evenings, I vowed to myself that I would do something I love instead. Whether that be scrapbooks, writing, editing, reading, colouring, or just taking a quiet moment to reflect or chat with my boyfriend on the phone - anything to spur on my creativity again.

P.S. Check this beauty of a view out from the office!

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