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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Two Thousand and Fifteen To-Do List

 I've been trying to think of New Years Resolutions for a week or two now, wondering whether I should bother making them or think of them more as objectives I would like to achieve, without the added pressure. I've definitely had a few of the same thoughts running through my mind for a while, so clearly those are the ones that have stood out and no doubt I will probably think of more as the year goes on, but I think I've covered the main points.

Number 1:
I would like to increase my blog posts per week, or at least keep to the once a week I had originally planned. Whether this will happen or not until the final term of university is out of the way I don't know. I would also like to link my posts with my social media accounts, make the layout more professional and interact more with other bloggers.

Number 2:
To finish editing the rest of my novel and hopefully find an agent/publisher by the end of the year. This may be a tad bit ambitious, but I love writing it!

Number 3:
To continue learning Spanish on duolingo. I used to hate learning languages in school, but this app is a Godsend, it's amazing and I've really learnt a lot.

Number 4:
I am adamant to go abroad this year, whether it be to Dubai to see my step-dad (and hopefully the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix if I'm lucky!) or to Paris to celebrate my upcoming 21st in March!

Number 5:
Number 4 would also cover the basis that I would like to overcome my fear of flying once and for all. In fact, I would like to keep getting better at facing any of my fears. 2014 was a huge step in conquering one of my main phobias and I hope to keep improving in 2015.

Number 6:
I would like to enjoy the rest of my time at university as it's my final couple of months and I would love to get a first in my degree! (That may also be a bit ambitious).

Number 7:
To be more grateful for everything I have/to stop taking things for granted/to sit back and appreciate small moments in my life that are making me happy. I don't do this often enough and I really need to, it would probably make me relax a bit more!

Number 8:
I've seen this one a lot on other peoples blogs, but I couldn't agree more with it: to say yes more. I need to stop worrying about what could go wrong and just enjoy everything!

Number 9:
To stop complaining about everything. Even if I could improve on this a little bit I'm sure I would be a lot happier! Which also goes with: to stop living in the past. I am terrible at this. I have recently been thinking of the future though and I am so excited and love planning for it.

Number 10:
To get back into exercising, even if it is just once or twice a week. I don't even want to lose weight, I just want to tone up and work on my abs! This also goes hand in hand with continuing to eat healthier. I definitely improved last year (although not necessarily decreasing the amount of chocolate I ate) and felt a big difference.

Overall, I am trying to be a better person this year and to enjoy myself more.

Source - Am definitely going to do this as well, it's such a good idea!

I hope everyone has had a brilliant start to the year and am looking forward to posting more.



  1. Ohhh, you're writing a novel? That's so exciting!

    Good luck in your blogging goals, I'm sure you'll do fine. I had this layout for my first few months blogging :)

    Corinne x

    1. Yeahh, have been trying to finish it for years! Haha :D

      Ah, thank you! :)

      It's cute, isn't it? I'd love to personalise one or something, but I have no idea how!

